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Thursday, September 24, 2009

My homework ...

My daughter brought home a homework assignment for me... Her Language Arts teacher ask them to get our answers, as a parent, to the following five questions... I enjoyed being asked a real question. So read on if you will...

Answers to your questions by Michael Valoppi… Thank you for asking.

1) What is Love?

And you want an answer in a few sentences… Okay, here goes…
Love is a pressure wave, a frequency of creation unfolding. Love is the harmonic glue that holds the universe and all of the beings residing within together in physical form and in spiritual vibration. Love is soft; love is inviting and is what we are all on this earth striving to understand.

Love is pure creative intent. But there is something that one must have that is even more powerful than love, and love could not exist without it. Innocence… Innocence is the basis of love because there can be no love without the accepting of innocence in the “one” love is being projected upon.

 If I judge in any way I am not in the energy of love I am in the energy of judgment.  So to love, to create with love, to open one’s heart and mind to the vibration of love, to the flow of love, that is the challenge.

To love, one must get out of their own way, and see not through their eyes, but see everyone through the eyes of acceptance and innocence.  I will stop there I could go on for days.

2)      Can you have love at first sight?
No. What people believe is love at first sight is most often fear at first sight. We get hit with the thought of the other person and react energetically, through our senses, in the patterns of fear. Love is comforting and inviting not full of short breaths and shaky knees.  Love at first sight has been a misnomer that has been allowed to be perpetuated over time that really has not served the people of this planet.

 That being said, there are those people who are upon this planet living out certain contracts of connection and family that were pre-chosen, by the participants, before entering the physical realms. This connection to ones we are drawn to can still have us reacting with the fear based properties mentioned above but there is an underlying pull to interact with the other person due to the agreements that had been made. Thus, seeming in the eyes of those watching, like love at first sight.

3)      What is marriage for? Why should one marry?
Marriage is not as important as we think, or than it is portrayed to be. And at the same time marriage is the highest reach of conscious connection we humans can strive to achieve on this planet aside from the search of something greater than ourselves. 

Marriage is the ultimate choice of truly making a commitment to another being. Not many people on this planet, and especially in this country, can even comprehend the level of commitment I speak of.  To truly commit yourself to one person so completely as to never leak energy (sexually, flirtatiously) to another person that is not your spouse, to always keep your mind clear and your direction in focus of a single unified path of two beings becoming greater as a couple than they ever could individually.  

To actually create a new being upon this earth as only the polarities of masculine and feminine energies, (whether in opposing physical bodies or similar, the only context needed is the Masculine and feminine energetic properties). Intertwining to create the super conductor of love amplified upon the earth. It is truly possible to achieve. But can never be compromised.

4)      Should Teenagers question authority and think for themselves? If so, about what issues and to what extent?
Every child from the moment they are born, including teenagers, should challenge every bit of information they are sold, especially from those claiming to be authorities in anything. Teenagers should rebel and rebel hard, but against what?

Most Teenagers rebel against their parents, to easy; to rebel against those who will love you anyway is lazy and unproductive for all involved.  Teenagers should rebel against anything that does not support the idea that as human beings we need to care for all human being, Teenagers should rebel against cliques, they should rebel against the PR and media that tells them to believe they are nothing without the products to make them prettier or thinner or smarter.

Teenagers should question everything that is not offered to them with love. And from what I witness from most people who say they are in authority there is nothing given to teenagers without a large does of suspicion and doubt.  The funny parts is, that those in authority always fall… always die off, and are replaced by that which is new.

The words and ideas of those in authority always are replaced, so maybe it is time to see no one as an authority. We are all students and then we can get the pride and ego out of the way to once again become creatures of love and innocence instead of the mess we are in, right this moment, all over the world.

5)      What are the greatest challenges in parenting a teenager?
The greatest challenge is every day loving them fiercely enough to let them go… to see the growth, to not hold them back through the projected fears of what could happen and let them become the masters of their own world and their own realities.

As they move through their lives, being there to guide them. Not in there thoughts and choices, but by reflecting to them the possibility of those thoughts and choices playing out with the utmost integrity, responsibility and accountability. To do this for themselves, those they say they love and those who share this planet with them.  To trust that they know what to choose, when to choose and giving them the space to make the choice as they see it to be.

To see them as innocent even in the face acting out and defiance, understanding that they chose me to be their parent, and with that comes certain responsibilities. None of which are more important than acknowledging that they have just as much validity upon this planet as any other being.

To bring them to the peacefulness of knowing there is no one above them and no one below them. And that there is only love to be lived and everything else is just illusion. Challenging us to choose to love or not to love… that is why they choose to be here in the first place, is it not?

Thank you for the questions I just wish I had more time to respond as I have much to say about such things.