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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To appreciate the little things... and every little thing is a moment just for us...

This picture made me laugh so hard, I almost peed myself... And it was the catalyst for tonight's post. Well that, and a statement my son, Zachary, made this evening.

He said, " The way I'm looking at life, it doesn't seem offer enough fulfillment. I used to look forward to little things, new video games, new toys..."
I replied; "those things used to fill your cup, but now the cup is bigge,r and it takes more than a game to fill it up..."

"Yeah..." His acceptance. 

This is where the little things come in... We allow ourselves to get lost in the programming of our society. We lose touch with our true nature of who we are to the point that we don't even recognize ourselves anymore and the little things, the material things, just don't seem to reach our need to feel deeply, about what we are doing in life.