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Thursday, August 28, 2014

A reminder of who I am / We are...

In all of existence, in all of time ,  every bit of creation  is an extension of  the  original thought, a part of the whole of all things. If I wish my being (my individual expression of Spirit) to survive, it is completely dependent upon my working within the thoughts and actions of forwarding a greater unfolding of all life. An acceptance of my place within the whole… To truly see myself, as an agent of Spirit, a Free-will Angel, and one of God’s most powerful sons. Powerful enough to step into the unfolding of the Divine will of life... Without the need to appease my ego… to know that I am here for a reason and if I am not living it I am wasting the gift of life that was bestowed upon me.

The only type of life without the challenges that ask us to show our mastery, a life without error… Is one where free-will beings do not exist. We as Human Angels must have the ability to fail if we are to have the ability to work with the freedom of choice. The fact, that as Human Angels, we are so young in our evolution of our true nature, and ability to create, that we will make a myriad of errors, (or unwise judgment), over and over again. Until that time that our self – trust, in our own ability to respond to life supersedes our fear of making a choice, in the first place.

The only time I am open to the possibility of choosing evil, or better know as; mistaken judgment.  Is when, and if, I choose to consciously decide to follow a path and take deliberate action which is dissolute, dishonest or self and other defeating in judgment.

One of the biggest differences between Human Free-will Angels and all of the rest of legions of Angels is the fact that they were created in perfection. They were designed to default to the concepts of goodness, beauty, and truth. They have no need of faith… for they no nothing else but the true connection to Spirit. They have no need of hope… for they know God exists, and in this knowing, trust in the unfolding of life. The unfolding of the Divine will of the universe.

As Human Free-will Angels, we must earn our wings, so to speak, as a being that supports life. This alone will grant us the hand of Spirit in our worlds, for through our own faith and hope do we allow ourselves to be seen as a player in the unfolding of all that is. The organized religion view of a single lifetime is what we get if we choose not to step into the mastery of living a soul surviving life. Spirit and all of the being of creation have no need for a individual expression of God, or your distinct personality, to continue if it does nothing to serve the whole. Every time we choose to see the bigger picture of life, to know we are a part of a greater unfolding that reaches across the cosmos, we garner more energy and observed realization, that our life is bound to move beyond the limited sight of our cultural vision. And step firmly into the space of a candidate for conscious ascension up the ladder of knowledge, truth and frequency regeneration throughout time.

We are being asked, daily, to step into a more conscious, aware, compassionate level of being upon this planet. As we do so we are actually affecting the outcome of where life is going. I know there is much destruction going on around us. To this I say , have faith that you are above it if you so choose to be. As happens in your own home, the brighter the light, the darker the dark... And so it is upon this planet as well.

Life has no choice but to respond to us if the direction we are choosing is one that falls into alignment with what has been unfolding for billions of years…

My love and blessings to you and all those you hold dear, in your hearts, and in your shadows.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

With spiritual evolution comes the death of the Illusion of Separation and its offspring, fear

Within forgetting your divine fullness, losing sight of how much of GOD remains within you, everlasting and indestructible, you have created through eons of time an illusion of lack. Feeling without attachment to Source, you have felt alone instead of all one. Source is what you were attached to, are attached to and will always be attached to. There is no other possibility. Fine threads of unity tie you completely to your Divine Source. If you could but see the perspective that I see you would see that it is an illusion that you can be separate. It was never God’s intention to let go of you. It is not even in the realm of possibility. Separation from Source is illusion because it can change at any moment. What changes is not the separation; that is, was and will always be intact. What changes is your perception of separation. It will change and always does change in the course of personal evolution. Spiritual evolution assures that inseparability grows. With spiritual evolution comes the death of the Illusion of Separation and its offspring, fear.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Love is not Enough...

Love is a pressure wave, a frequency of creation unfolding. Love is the harmonic glue that holds the universe and all of the beings residing within together in physical form and in spiritual vibration. Love is soft; love is inviting and is what we are all on this earth striving to understand.

Love is pure creative intent. But there is something that one must have that is even more powerful than love, and love could not exist without it. Innocence… Innocence is the basis of love because there can be no love without the accepting of innocence in the “one” love is being projected upon.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

In the Cocoon...

Dropping into the center of my world... Time for trans-mutational event though my being. 
...I hope they fed the alligators above my head.

I can feel it 
Affirming my significance
Rendering me weightless 
Confirming my purpose
I can feel it
Tendons tensing in its wake 
Affirming my significance
Shifting my shoulder blades
Rendering me weightless
Trickling down my veins
Confirming my purpose
It's subtle as a tidal wave


Razia's Shadow - Youtube - Razia's Shadow

Monday, August 18, 2014

Embracing the Unknown...

Here it is again...

That moment when it hits me. I have no idea when my life reached this point of singularity. The moment when there are no more choices that I can make, at my present vibration, where the who I AM
No longer at a high enough vibration, to create solutions for my current situation;

I must evolve...

The mess of my life, although semi-organized, all neatly stacked, whether on my desk or in my minds eye, another return to a moment when I stand on the precipice of the unknown...

Time to allow my Mental and Spiritual light bodies to embrace the mystery of life before me... And release my Physical and Emotional bodies off the edge of the abyss, into the unknown, into the void with implicit trust.

I must become my next best self if I am to navigate these waters and transform.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Pray for all... Victim, Perpetrator, Observer and Witness.

Pray for those who must endure the weight and the pain of an uncaring world... lets watch more war movies and then wonder why we are so desensitized to these images, and think nothing of what is going on in the world... Yes download another game app, to keep us occupied while we do nothing. The perpetrators of this, the four soldiers, they are also living in their own hell. How can we say we believe in a merciful God, and then act out such hatred and aggression. Like the Bob Dylan song, "With God On Our Side",

I've learned to hate Russians (Replace with any Ethnic Culture)
All through my whole life
If another war comes
It's them we must fight
To hate them and fear them
To run and to hide
And accept it all bravely
With God on my side.

I pray for the soldiers too... I have been to combat, And I know the process of being taught to see other human beings as worthless. Everyone involved is responsible, even us, way far away, We play the role of the witness.

Ask everyone you know why we do nothing... Maybe we as a nation will care enough to change the world, for we, as we are told, are the most powerful nation in the world. And we sit, eat McDonald's, watch TV and do nothing... Not all, but many.