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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Allowing the Divine to move through me... Part III... and so it goes.

This is the third, in a string, of this series of pieces upon this blog to assist those who wish to move themselves into new paradigms of thought and perception of their world.

Today we are going to cover the notions of Feelings, Emotions... and finally Faith.

Remember... in regards to Feelings... There is only Love and that which is not Love.

We can break down our feelings into distinct categories to understand our basic reactions to life.

The basic structure of our Energetic Response System, (or as I like to refer to it, Our seven layer liquid crystal oscillating system. Facilitated by our four body Consciousness Grid.), Into four systemic components.


So lets take a look at these...

Lets Start with fear the most denied feeling on our planet. I believe Fear is an acronym for:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Fear is a part of our energetic system that brings us into a state of heightened awareness. Fear asks us to step up into the moment at hand with eyes wide open and all of our senses awakened to the opportunity or consequence of any given moment.


        Anger is what we feel when we react to the thought that something is going to be taken away from us.

Whether it be control, something physical, our evolutionary reaction is to become angry or aggressive.

The Ego, is the wielder of anger, for it has the most to lose as you become consciously responsive to your life.


sadness is what we feel when we react to the thought that we are separate from all that is life... From Spirit.

    The Ego, does everything in its power to remind you that you are separate from everything, even God. When we are in a state of separateness we have no motivation to move forward with the whole of life.


Joy is what we feel when we respond to life and accept all that it entails. Our Trust in the workings of the universe, of God, and of Ourselves.

The Ego knows no Joy... It cannot know that which binds all things when its main driving force is to keep you separate from your Source.


Emotions are the creation of Thoughts, Combined with Feelings.

    Thought in and of itself is not creative. We all have sat at one point in our lives thinking terrible things about ourselves or others, in a desired outcome of happenings.  And none of these thoughts create anything.

    Feelings in and of themselves are not creative. Feelings are like the gas tank on your car... The fuel can be volatile. But when it directed through the fuel line of thought it can be harnessed into creative expression.

(I also want to say here, that I am in no way trying to pretend that I am the first person to bring these thoughts to light... I am just playing the conduit at this time.)

Thought (the blue print of your minds eye.)
Feeling (the energetic charge of your being.)
Emotion (the creative directive to Spirit.)

What is Faith…?
Faith… is the knowing that we are complete participants in the Co-Creation of our lives. How hard it is to step past our knowing to understand the quality of our ability to shape that which enters our lives. Simply by believing in ourselves enough to take action... We prove it to ourselves every time an event unfolds that we attribute to luck. And still we think the power of creation in our perceptual worlds is outside of us...

I watch people, every day, do amazing things they never thought they could do... I know you have seen it as well. So what happens when we believe in ourselves enough to catch these moments and work with them.
What happens when faith is combined with Emotion?

When Faith is combined with Emotion, in clean and assured ways, the multi-verse can only respond by creating that which is held in the heart and mind, simultaneously. If any portion of the equation is unclear the responding Co- Creation is unable to manifest in the truest form. That is why so much of the time I see life bending in a direction and partially reaching an original vision.

The true combining of Faith & Emotion is the creation of a living... Blessing. 

I have seen miracles unfold before my eyes... I have seen life uplift the darkness... and in blessing, my Soul finds its wings...

We will follow upon the Blessings and the power of Choice in the next movement...

I honor all of those how have chosen to walk through the fear and wake up your hearts... For those who stand upon the precipice... I honor and bless you too... for yours is still the choice to be lived...

Blessings and Love...

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