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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The War on Christmas...

Black Friday, Now Black Thursday, No Wait this commercial says it starts Wednesday. And How it boggles my mind that there are people in this world that are already making plans for this. And they think they are not being controlled by those in power.

It amazes me how 4 out of the top 10 richest People in this country are heirs to the Wal-Mart Fortune, having their employees work through Thanksgiving, because their profit margin is not high enough, I guess. At the same time their employees are holding in store food drives so the can feed their families a holiday meal.  

*Sarah Palin, while hawking her book, told Matt Lauer, “I love the commercialization of Christmas, because it spreads the Christmas cheer.”
Lauer, trying to get Palin to settle on one narrative, then said, “but you say it takes the heart out of Christmas.”
“No,” Palin responded, “what I’m saying is we need to protect the heart of Christmas and not let an angry atheist armed with an attorney, as Scrooge, tell us that we can’t celebrate traditional faith in America. We have a constitutionally protected right to celebrate faith and Christmas is a part of that.”
So, the commercialization of Christmas is the heart of Christmas? And that needs to be protected?*
I don’t get it… Some people truly live the words they preach.
And some truly don’t.
Especially those, who hold the public eye, or make a living off of our tax dollars in public power. They spout their devotion, when it is only sound bites. The problem is that most of those in power, private and public hold the purse strings.
Jesus was truly a socialist and bleeding heart liberal. It was about living the truth that, “there is no success when others are still suffering” **.
So to those who are offended because others say happy holidays, instead of merry Christmas, need to have a reality check. The population of Christianity is not the only group of God’s children here. And this country was based upon one of the tenants called, freedom of religion, not govern and control by Christianity.
So, instead of seeing commercials about how I am going to save money on new crap from China, how about commercials about how we are going to make this country one that holds some worth in the world.
And not the worth that most still hold onto,  waving the flag and yelling we are number one.
There are only 3 things we are number one in at this time. 1) the number of incarcerated citizens. 2) Number of Adults who believe Angels are real. (I do.) 3) Defense spending where we spend more than the next 26 nations combined, 25 of them are allies.
Right now in the world we are the number one laughing stock, the rest of the world is watching us be driven into an land of Kings and serfs, all over again.
Don’t believe it’s true… Look at the austerity measures being pushed through our governments of the free world. Look at the disintegration of the middle class… But as long as I can get a 32” TV for under 100 dollars, who cares? Right?
The Christmas we celebrate in this country has nothing to do with Christianity. The only thing it has to do with Christ in this commercialized epoch, is hiding baby Jesus until Christmas morning, for the giant manger we have out side.  
So how about we throw aside the partisan titles, the religious battles, such as the war on Christmas, and simply start caring about our fellow human beings?  They aren’t towel heads, they are fathers and son’s. They aren’t cheap Jews, they are mothers and daughters. They aren't unwilling to work poor, they are the serfs being created to do the bidding of the masters with the most.
I don’t remember ever reading anything about a world like this in the Bible that I read.
I don’t remember where Christ stated; Judge, Label and condemn your fellow man out of your hearts.
So this Christmas season I will hold you all in my heart and do what I can to make this world a better place for all, not a select few. And I ask that you do the same.
Love, Light and God Bless our silly human ways…

* From an interview on the Today Show.*
** Mother Theresa quote.

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